Equibusiness search results: showing 20 - 30 of 176 total

You searched for 'Equestrian Centres'

01992 467738
Riding School which caters for novice and experienced riders from the age of 4 years. Hold regular affilated and non-affilated showjumping shows
Arena Hire, competitions
02894472632 / (07803178009)
•All aspects of Equine, Dressage, Show Jumping, Mini Eventing, Showing & Polo •Cafe open to centre users and public •Licensed Premises •Functions, club events, birthdays, any celebrations or dinners •Confrence Facilities •Collective Sales of Equine and Agricultural Equipment •Dogs Shows •Rugby Training •Football Training •Trailer hire •Paddock services our sister company for all equine paddock related jobs, from poo picking to re-seeding we've got it covered. •Agri Contracting, hay/halage making, wrapping, power harrowing, fert spreading, spraying, any tractor work, telescopic handlers, trailers..
01372 743084
Equestrian Centre which runs both affilated and unaffilated events - also hire their facilities to local riding clubs
Equestrian Centre which runs shows and events including training days
Full facilities for high level teaching and competition training

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"Since listing with equibusiness I have had several new liveries as a direct result"

Miss Lisa Kelly - Homestead livery